Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Moving to a new domain

I'm moving to a new domain so the address is in alignment with my blog name:

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Diet new secret weapon

Last week I discovered a new weight loss website while scrolling through my news feed on Facebook.  A fellow blogger, Tanee, posted that she was hosting a game on DietBet and invited others to join.  The premise sounded cool - and promising:  Place a bet that you can lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks.  If you are successful, you split the money in the pot with everyone else who is successful.  This sounded like something that would get my competitive fires burning...if I placed a bet, I wouldn't want to give my money away to others, so that, along with the hopes of getting their money (heh heh) would help me stay on-task...something that can be a challenge for me.  You see, I have a tendency to get off-track with my eating when pretty much anything out of my usual routine crops up.  Like a holiday...or dinner with a friend...or a bad day at work...or an argument with a loved one...or the get the idea.  I know I'm not alone in this.  Right?

So I joined not one game, but two.  And then this morning I maxed out with a third, which is the most you can participate in simultaneously.  I figure this first time is going to be the easiest to reach that 4% in 4 weeks, what with the initial water weight loss and all, and I want to maximize my winnings!  (I hadn't exactly been stellar with my food choices leading up to the acceptance of this challenge, so there was definitely water weight to lose.)  I think 4% is doable but is by no means a "gimme"...I will have to be careful how far and how often I go beyond my daily points even with the water weight loss.

We'll see how this first round of games goes before I decide to enter again, but already I have noticed that I am making different choices than I might otherwise.  Yesterday a co-worker brought in brownie bites to foist upon us share, and I felt absolutely zero pull towards them.  Another example...tonight I am taking my son to WWE Smackdown and at one time I had thought I might take him out to dinner beforehand.  But I know that he (and I) will want a snack there so I'm choosing to eat at home and save some points (and money!) for the show.  I am not so quick to think, "this one little bite won't matter," or "there's no rush, this process is going to take at least a year, after all...may as well indulge here and there along the way."  Which are things I tend to think more often than one on a quest to drop a few pounds should!  Don't get me wrong, I do intend to indulge when it is really worth it and special.  But having some money on the line is helping to crystallize to me when a treat is really worth it and when it is just something holding me back from my ultimate get healthy and hot again!'s the "before" from last week.  Yikes!  But, won't it be fun to compare when I'm back to goal?  That's what I'm telling myself, lol!